- Details
- Written by Administrator
- Category: Introduction
- Hits: 22516
These few words to welcome you to my website.
This website is not a site about myself, but rather a site browsing the ten years I spent in the Belgian Air Force as an NCO career technician.
I was based for 10 years at the 1st All Weather Fighter Wing of Beauvechain, as an engine specialist on an aircraft that has left his mark on its era, and stills marks its time : the General Dynamics F-16 ( Now Lockheed Martin).
I would like to honour the Air Force that has been an excellent school, from a technical point of view as well as from a social aspect.
It had allowed me to meet people with whom I had memorable times, at work as well as during our leisure hours. Several of them will probably recognize themselves in the different articles and pictures that I have taken during my ten years of service.
Unfortunately, since the time I left the 1Wing in December 1988, some of our friends and colleagues are gone, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy to see them on some of the pictures published on this website.
The website contains a small foreword, where you’ll find the index of this picture book.
The rest will be divided in different chapters representing my career from year to year, from my enrolment until my departure to new horizons at the end of 1988.
An important section is devoted to the 1Wing history, starting in October 1946 with the return of the 350th and 349th squadron from Fassberg and ending with my arrival at Beauvechain in September 1979.
This section currently represents the bulk of the site "sergebonfond.be".
I wish you a pleasant visit.
Serge Bonfond.
Next : Foreword
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