- Base history from 1956 to 1959.
- 10th Night Fighter Squadron conversion on Meteor NF.11.
- 349 Sqn and 350 Sqn conversion on Hawker Hunter F.4.
- Break up of Auxiliary Squadron, 4th Squadron and 10th Squadron.
- 11 Sqn, 349 Sqn and 350 Sqn conversion on Avro CF-100 "Canuck".
- The 1st Fighter Wing becomes 1st All Weather Fighter Wing.
Beauvechain : 1956 - 1959
- Janvier 1956: The Ambiorix's red wings are noted for the first time on the nose of the 350 Sqn's Meteors F8.
Those wings often called “flames” or “moustaches” represent in fact the wings of Ambiorix's helmet.
The wings will be noted later on the nose of the Hunter’s and on the air intakes of the CF-100's.
5601-01 Meteor F8 EG-10 MN-S (350 Sqn) 5601-01 Meteor F8 EG-10 MN-S (350 Sqn)
5601-02 Meteor F8 EG-103 MN-R (350 Sqn) 5601-02 Meteor F8 EG-103 MN-R (350 Sqn)
5601-03 350 Sqn - RAF Sylt - Jan 1956 5601-03 350 Sqn - RAF Sylt - Jan 1956
- Picture 5601-02: Meteors F8 from 350 Sqn at RAF Sylt in January 1956.
- Picture 5601-03: 350 Squadron at RAF Sylt in January 1956.
- January 1956: The delivery of a second batch of Meteors NF11 dedicated to the 10th Night Fighter squadron has started.
The two first aircraft are delivered to the Belgian Air Force on the 19th and 20th of January respectively.
Those Meteor NF11's are second hand R.A.F. aircraft and are not technically identical to the first batch.
The BAF serial numbers are from EN13 to EN24. (details below)
BAF S/N | RAF S/N | Contract Nr | Delivered | Sqn Code |
EN13 | WD602 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 23-02-56 | ND-A |
EN14 | WD724 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 09-02-56 | ND-B |
EN15 | WD622 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 05-03-56 | ND-C |
EN16 | WD594 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 23-02-56 | ND-D |
EN17 | WD760 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 05-03-56 | ND-E |
EN18 | WD661 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 06-03-56 | ND-F |
EN19 | WD590 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 23-02-56 | ND-G |
EN20 | WD596 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 06-03-56 | ND-H |
EN21 | WD741 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 22-02-56 | ND-J |
EN22 | WD763 | 6/ACFT/3433 C.B.7(b) | 20-01-56 | ND-K |
EN23 | WM221 | 6/ACFT/6141 C.B.7(b) | 19-01-56 | ND-L |
EN24 | WM263 | 6/ACFT/6141 C.B.7(b) | 22-02-56 | ND-M |
It has to be noted that the two last aircraft of this batch, WM221 and WM263 are also different from the 10 first as produced from a different contract number.
560119-01 Meteor NF11 EN16 ND-D (10 Sqn) 560119-01 Meteor NF11 EN16 ND-D (10 Sqn)
560119-02 Meteor NF11 EN23 ND-L (10 Sqn) 560119-02 Meteor NF11 EN23 ND-L (10 Sqn)
560119-03 Meteor NF11 EN20 ND-H (10 Sqn) 560119-03 Meteor NF11 EN20 ND-H (10 Sqn)
560119-04 Control Tower 560119-04 Control Tower
- Picture 560119-03 & 04: To be noted in the back-ground of Meteor NF11 ND-H, the raised control tower due to the construction of a third runway located parallel to the initial 22/04, which becomes 22R/04L while the new longer runway becomes naturally 22L/04R.
- 13th March 1956: A pair of Meteors NF11 belonging to the 11th Night Fighter Squadron are lost in similar circumstances during a night flight.
Both of them have been subject to a double flame-out caused by the freezing of the engine fuel filters. The water contamination of the fuel will be later confirmed by the investigation.
The two Meteors NF11 (EN15 & EN22) are taking off in the early evening for a training flight. The two night fighters are supposed to perform some mutual interception exercises (Practice Interception PI)
Having accomplished a serie of interceptions, communication problems with the controller force the two Meteors to stop the exercise and fly back to Beauvechain.
- EN15 is in approach to runway 04 when both engines flame-out at low altitude.
The crew composed of Sgt Avi Rik Loots and Cdt Nav Georges Bernier decide to not jump out the aircraft and crashes on a house at Mont-Saint-Guibert.
Both of them are found alive and are only suffering from minors injuries.
The Meteor EN15, which is completely destroyed, had accumulated 453:45 flying hours of which 449:30 within the R.A.F.
- EN22 for its part is flying in the north of St-Truiden when both engines are flaming-out.
Although the Meteor is flying too low to guarantee a successful evacuation (*) of the aircraft, the crew takes the decision to jump out anyway.
Cpn Avi Julien Notte and Lt Nav Hubert Dormans are found not far away from the wreckage, neither of the two parachutes had the time to deploy.
The EN22 is in a relative good shape, but will be written off. The aircraft had logged 801:55 flying hours, of which 796:35 within the R.A.F.
(*) The Meteor NF.11 was not fitted with ejection seats.
19560313-01 Cpn Julien Notte 19560313-01 Cpn Julien Notte
19560313-02 Lt Nav Hubert Dormans 19560313-02 Lt Nav Hubert Dormans
- 27th March 1956: Cdt Bodart and the whole 4th Squadron.
- The identification file :
- 26th June 1956: Maj Tony de Maere d'Aertricke becomes the new CO of the 350 Sqn.
- 29th August 1956 : Maj Nav Henri Cabolet becomes the new CO of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron.
- Picture 560829-01: The CO of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron, Maj Henri Cabolet proudly hanging the flag of its squadron during the celebration of the 10th years anniversary of the Belgian Air Force at Brustem the 11th October 1956.
On its side, Maj François "Sus" Willems, deputy commander of the Flying Group (OSN) of the 1Wing since the 28 May 1956.
In the background a Meteor F8 belonging to the 4th Day Fighter Squadron, EG-146 coded SV-*.
- 4th September 1956: Cdt Olivier Leclercq succeed the CO Marcel Desmet at the head of the 349 squadron.
- 11th October 1956: Celebration of the 10th years anniversary of the Belgian Air Force.
On this occasion 194 aircraft (*) are joined together at Brustem with the idea to perform a massive fly-by.
Aircraft, pilots, and mechanics are reviewed by HM the King Baudouin.
Unfortunately, a heavy fog on the airfield will force the authorities to cancel any flight presentation, except for the Acrobobs which perform at this occasion their last air show.
(*) : Meteor F8 - Meteor NF11 - F-84G Thunderjet - F-84F Thundersrteak - Hunter F4.
5610-01. Meteor F8 (350 Sqn) Line up 5610-01. Meteor F8 (350 Sqn) Line up
5610-02. F-84F 10Wing Line up 5610-02. F-84F 10Wing Line up
5610-03. Meteor F8 9 Wing Line up 5610-03. Meteor F8 9 Wing Line up
- Picture 5610-01: Line-up of Meteors F8 belonging to the 350Sqn at Brustem on the 11.October.1956.
In the foreground the personal aircraft (EG-237) of Lt.Col Albert Van Eeckhoudt, commander of the 1Wing Flying Group (OSN) - Picture 5610-02: F-84F belonging to the 10Wing - 23Sqn & 31Sqn.
- Picture 5610-03: The Meteors F8 of the 9Wing - 26Sqn.
- 05th December 1956: A Meteor NF.11 belonging to the 10th Night Fighter Squadron (EN14 - ND-B) is lost during a flight in bad weather.
During a radar test flight in preparation for a night flight, the crew composed of 1Sgt Avi Jeroom Janssens and his navigator 1Sgt Jacques Pairoux is caught in bad weather with low clouds.
The ND-B continues to fly low and flies into the ground near Sart-lez-Spa. There's no survivor.
Le 1Sgt Janssens graduated from Prom 124 had joined the 350Sqn in January 1954 before to move to the 11th Night Fighter Squadron in 1956.
- 1st January 1957: Officialisation of the PSV Flight (Pilotage Sans Visibilté / Instrument Flying Flight)
Wishing to improve the safety of the flights within the 1Wing, the Flying Group decides to create a PSV Flight at Beauvechain during the last months of 1956.
Initialy the flight is placed under the command of Cdt Guy Carlier before to be transferred to 1Lt André Richir.
The PSV flight, administratively attached to the 10th Night Fighter Squadron, define a new technology for the instrument flying which doesn't exist at that time within the Belgian Air Force.
The flight brings together all the Meteors T7 dispersed in the different wings of the Flying Group, this represent ten aircraft.
The procedures defined by the PSV Flight will drastically reduce the number of crash under bad weather conditions.
- March 1957: The 4Sqn is under conversion on Hunter at Chièvres when the Chief of the Air Force Staff decide to disband the squadron.
Even if the 4Sqn will never fly the Hunter, most of the aircraft ferried to Beauvechain in March 1957 are flown by pilots of the 4th squadron.
The composition of the 4th Squadron on the 1st of March 1957 is as follows :
CO : Major Yves Bodart
A Flight | B Flight | ||||
Lt | André | Opdebeeck | Capt | Humbert | d'Oultremont |
Lt | Michel | Jacob de Beuken | Lt | André | Richir |
1Sgt | Yvan | Somers | Sgt | José | Sépult |
Sgt | Etienne | Choque | SLt | Pierre | Hallaux |
SLt | Auguston | Ronge | SLt | Paul | Van Essche |
Sgt | Jos | Menten | SLt | Armand | Dewilde |
SLt | Edgard | Meulemans | Sgt | Paul | Goedseels |
SLt | Bernard | Cruysmans |
- March 1957: Following the Suez Crisis (October 1956 - March 1957) and on the request of NATO, 4 armed aircraft are placed in a constant state of alert during the day.
The 350Sqn is the first of the Belgian Air Force squadrons to start the long tradition of QRA (*) permanence with the Meteor F8.
The QRA aircraft are initially parked on the rear stand of hangar H5 as it provide a direct access to the runway.
(*) Quick Reaction Alert.
- 1st April 1957: The Auxiliary Squadron is transferred to Brustem.
- April 1957: The 349Sqn starts its conversion on Hunter F4.
5704-01 Hunter F4 & 349 Sqn 5704-01 Hunter F4 & 349 Sqn
5704-02 Hunter F4 & 349 Sqn Ground Crew 5704-02 Hunter F4 & 349 Sqn Ground Crew
- Picture 5704-01 & 5704-02: The 349 Sqn in April 1957 facing one of the first Hunter F4 delivered to the 1Wing.
The aircraft was belonging to the recently disbanded 9thSquadron of the 7Wing (Chièvres).
S2-D - ID-33 has been delivered to the 349 Sqn the 11th March 1957. - Below the two .pdf identification files:
- May 1957: The flight crew personnel of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron is reinforced.
- 6th May 1957: The 349 Sqn is completely equipped with the Hunter F4.
A part of the 4th Squadron pilots is merged with the 349 Squadron.
The order of battle is as follow :
- Cdt Leclercq Olivier - CO 349 Sqn
- Cpn d'Oultremont Humbert - OPS Officer
Flight A | Flight B | ||||
Lt | Marcel | Ginion | SLt | Wilfried | Bogaerts |
Lt | André | Op de Beek | SLt | Armand | Dewilde |
SLt | Bernard | Cruysmans | SLt | Achille | Helderweirdt |
SLt | Pierre | Hallaux | SLt | Marcel | Van der Stockt |
SLt | André | Puvrez | SLt | Fernand | Van Leuven |
1Sgt | Jos | Menten | Adj | Alphonse | De Greef |
1Sgt | Yvan | Somers | 1Sgt | Jan | Elen |
Sgt | Paul | Goedseels | 1Sgt | Louis | Thys |
Sgt | René | Schoels | Sgt | Michel | Tricot |
Sgt | José | Sepult | Sgt | Eric | Zwaenepoel |
- 10th May 1957: First crash of a Hunter F4 for the 349 Squadron, the ID-3 crashes at Ave-et-Auffe (Rochefort).
Lt Bernard Cruysmans (349Sqn) is able to eject but is seriously injured.
- May 1957: The 350 Sqn begins the conversion on Hunter F4.
5705-01 : Hunter F4 ID37 & 350Sqn 5705-01 : Hunter F4 ID37 & 350Sqn
5705-02 : Hunter F4 - ID60 - 350Sqn 5705-02 : Hunter F4 - ID60 - 350Sqn
- Picture 5705-01: The whole 350 Squadron, pilots and mechanics in early 1958.
Below the .pdf identification file : - Picture 5705-02: Right after their arrival in the squadron, the red wings of Ambiorix are painted on the nose of the Hunters.
On this picture ID-60 on the stand of the hangar H2.
- 3rd June 1957: Lt.Col Albert Van Eeckhoudt replace Lt.Col Terlinden and becomes the new Base CO of the 1Wing.
- July 1957: The Avro CF-100 (*) Mk5 "Canuck" is selected to replace the Hunter.
An order is placed to Avro Limited (Canada) for 54 aircraft for an amount of $ 42.000.000, of which 75 % financed by the U.S. and 25 % financed by the Canada as part of the Mutual Aid Program.
Only 53 aircraft were delivered as one was damaged prior delivery.
The Belgian serial numbers are going from AX-1 to AX-53.
(*) In the Canadian Military Aircraft Designation System, C stands for "Canada" and F stands for "Fighter".
The Avro CF-100 is the first fighter designed and mass-produced in Canada.
Since the early days of 1945, RCAF has expressed the desire to earn a new jet-powered interceptor/fighter aircraft able to defend the large plains in the Northern Canada from the Soviet strategic bombers which should become long-range bombers very soon.
The contract is signed with A.V. Roe Canada better known as Avro.
In accordance with the "Department of National Defense" the aircraft must meet the following specifications :
- To be fast, meaning to be able to sustain 450 knots (0.85 Mach) at an altitude of 40,000 ft.
- Having a high rate of climb, or greater than 10,000 ft/min.
- Having a service ceiling greater than 50,000 ft.
- Having a long-range capability to cover 650 Nm at cruise speed, engage a target during 15 min and cover another 650 Nm to come back to home base.
- To be capable of all-weather operations.
- Equipped with two turbojet engines.
- The aircraft will be a two-seater, heavily armed, and equipped with the last in navigation and fire-control aids.
5707-01 Belgium chooses Avro CF-100 5707-01 Belgium chooses Avro CF-100
5707-02 Avro CF-100 Canuck (AX1) 5707-02 Avro CF-100 Canuck (AX1)
5707-03 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532) 5707-03 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532)
5707-04 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532) 5707-04 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532)
5707-05 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532) 5707-05 Avro CF-100 Canuck (18532)
- Picture 5707-01: The Canadian press in July 1957.
- Picture 5707-02: A picture presented to the Belgian Air Force authorities by Avro Aircraft Ltd (Malton - Ontario) showing a CF-100 bearing the Belgian markings and serial (AX1)
In fact a CF-100 Mk5 belonging to the RCAF 425 Squadron bearing the serial #18532 (as detailed on picture 5707-03)
The picture was taken on the 20th August 1956 over St-Hubert (Montréal)
To be noted : the wing extensions and the horizontal tail extensions proper to the Mk.5 - Pictures 5707-04 & 5707-05: The same aircraft (#18532) presented to the BAF bearing the colors of 349 Sqn.
The picture 5707-05 shows a detail of the serial number applied on the nose gear doors (#532)
- 8th August 1957: The first crews from the 11th Night Fighter Squadron reach Cold Lake (Canada) and start their conversion course on CF-100 the next day.
The first class is composed of the following pilots and navigators :
Maj | Henri | Cabolet | Nav | Crew 1 |
Adj | Jan | Elen | " | |
Maj | Cyriel "Pepe" | Delers | Crew 2 | |
SLt | Marcel | Degraeve | Nav | " |
1Lt | Daniel "Jimmy" | Maere | Crew 3 | |
1Lt | Jacques | Rousseau | Nav | " |
1Sgt | Rik | Nuyens | Crew 4 | |
1Lt | Toussaint "Tom" | Bouche | Nav | " |
1Sgt |
Jan |
Govaerts | Crew 5 | |
Adj | Piet | Declerq | Nav | " |
The conversion begins at the N°.3 AW(F) OTU (*) of Cold Lake. Three of the five crews start by 20 hours of training on B-25 Navigation-Trainer while the two last begin with the simulator program.
Twenty hours of day and night flying on CF-100 Mk.3 are scheduled from the 24 September, and are followed by 50 hours of day and night flying on CF-100 Mk.4.
The course at Cold Lake ends on the 15 November. The five crews are sent to Malton to received the final part of their training, a ground familiarization course of three days on CF-100 Mk.5. Ground familiarization only as the CF-100 Mk.5 is not yet available for flight training at that time.
(*) N°3 All Weather (Fighter) Operational Training Unit.
- 25 August 1957: International meeting at Cannes.
To recall and commemorate the liberation of Cannes (24 August 1944) an international meeting is organized.
Many air demonstration squadrons are involved of which the Belgian unofficial (*) formation led by Cdt de Maere d'Aertrijcke from the 350Sqn.
As the Belgian official display team of "Bobby" Bladt is temporarily unavailable due to the incapacity of its wing-man Lt Pierre Tonet, who bailed-out of a Hunter F4 (ID118) on the 07 August, the formation of Cdt de Maere is chosen to be the back-up team for the remaining of the 1957 season.
(*) Cdt Antoine "Tony" de Maere d'Aertrijcke, CO of the 350 Squadron, as is tradition has constituted an aerobatic team within the squadron, this means being a very good way to stimulate its pilots.
During the Meteor period several fighter squadrons have formed an aerobatic team, each of them hoping to represent the Belgian Air Force.
In order to avoid any contestation a competition was organised at Beauvechain in May 1956 and the verdict was without appeal : The aerobatic team "Acrobobs" formed by "Bobby" Bladt in 1952, would become the only official display team of the Belgian Air Force.
In addition, Cpn Yves Bodart, CO of the 4th Day Fighter Squadron was declared to be the only "Solo"' display pilot.
The departure from Beauvechain is scheduled to the Friday 23rd of August with a technical stop at Dijon, as the Hunter's are not fitted with external fuel tanks.
The aircraft are supposed to proceed directly to Hyères the same day, fly at an altitude of 40,000 feet and land at destination with the minimum fuel.
But severe storms forecast over the Côte d'Azur force Cdt de Maere to postpone the leg to the next day.
Tony de Maere and its formation lands safely at Hyère-Le-Plyvestre still flooded by the heavy rains of the day before on Saturday the 24th.
The Belgian team present at Hyères this 25th of August has the following structure :
Maj | Tony | de Maere d'Aertrijcke | 350 Sqn | CO | Leader | ID61 |
Capt | Yvan | Deprins | 350 Sqn | ID** | ||
Lt | Michel | Jacob de Beuken | 350 Sqn | ID30 | ||
Lt | Edgard | Salteur | 350 Sqn | ID** | ||
Maj | Yves | Bodart | 4 Sqn | CO | Solo | ID56 |
570825-01 Hunter F4 ID49 (350 sqn) 570825-01 Hunter F4 ID49 (350 sqn)
570825-02 Hunter F4 ID56 (350 sqn) 570825-02 Hunter F4 ID56 (350 sqn)
570825-03 Hunter F4 ID27 (350 sqn) 570825-03 Hunter F4 ID27 (350 sqn)
570825-04 Hunter F4 (350 sqn) 570825-04 Hunter F4 (350 sqn)
570825-05 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn) 570825-05 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn)
570825-06 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn) 570825-06 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn)
570825-07 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn) 570825-07 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn)
570825-08 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn) 570825-08 Hunter F4 ID30 (350 sqn)
570825-09 Hunter F4 ID61 (350 sqn) 570825-09 Hunter F4 ID61 (350 sqn)
- Picture 570825-01: Aircraft preparation at Beauvechain.
- Picture 570825-02: The aerobatic team at Beauvechain in summer 1957.
- Picture 570825-03: ID27 en route to Hyères the 24th of August 1957.
- Picture 570825-04: The remaining of the formation en route to Hyères.
- Picture 570825-05: The aerobatic team at Hyères the Saturday 24th August 1957. It has to be noted that Maj Yves Bodart, official "Solo" pilot is part of the team.
- Picture 570825-06: Another picture of the team.
- Picture 570825-07 & 08: Lt Michel Jacob de Beuken and its personal aircraft, the Hunter F4 ID30 at Hyères-Le-Palyvestre the 24th August 1957.
- Picture 570825-09: Tony de Maere d'Aertrijcke and its personal aicraft, the Hunter F4 ID61 at Hyères-Le-Palyvestre the 24th August 1957.
Note the typical pennant of the CO painted on the forward fuselage.
- 16th September 1957: Cdt Olivier Leclercq, CO of the 349 Sqn is killed in the crash of its Hunter ID-59 during an interception mission and dog fight with a Canadian F-86 Sabre belonging to the RCAF Station Marville (F)
- 17th September 1957: Maj Yves Bodart becomes CO ad interim of the 349 Squadron.
- November 1957: The 10th Night Fighter Squadron is disbanded.
- 29th November 1957: During a GCA approach for runway 22, SLt Marcel Ginion (349Sqn) experiences an hydraulic failure on its Hunter F4 (ID4) and crashes near Roosbeek (Tienen). SLt Ginion is killed in the accident.
- December 1957: The Belgian military pilots having no experience about the transatlantic ferry flights, it is decided the delivery of the CF-100 Mk.5s overseas will be done by RCAF crews in a series of flights called "Jump Moats".
- 3th December 1957: Cpn Humbert d'Oultremont becomes the new CO of the 349 Sqn.
- 5th December 1957: Jump Moat I is launched.
A first batch of fifteen CF'100s is ferried by RCAF crews from 410th and 428th Upland squadrons from RCAF Station Uplands (Ottawa - Ontario) to the RCAF Station Marville (Meuse - France)
A few days later, the Belgian crews will accept their CF-100's, still in RCAF markings and will fly them to Beauvechain.
The first five Canuck's will land at Beauvechain the 17th December. (1)
A second batch of five will land the 18th (2) and a third the 19th. (3)
The last aircraft of this first batch will be delivered on the 20th December. (4)
- 17th Decembre: 1957 : AX1 - AX4 - AX6 - AX8 - AX13.
- 18th December: 1957 : AX2 - AX3 - AX7 - AX14 - AX18.
- 19th December: 1957 : AX5 - AX9 - AX10 - AX19.
- 20th December: 1957 : AX12.
571205-01 CF-100 18702 (AX18) 571205-01 CF-100 18702 (AX18)
571205-02 CF-100 18687 (AX3) 571205-02 CF-100 18687 (AX3)
- Picture 571205-01: The first batch on the RCAF Station Uplands ready to departure on the 5th December 1957.
The aircraft in the foreground is #18702 which will be registered later AX-18. - Picture 571205-02: Landing of the CF-100 bearing the serial #18687 at Beauvechain on the 18th December 1957. The aircraft will be present on the 20th during the official acceptance ceremony bearing its Belgian serial AX3.
- 17th December 1957: The first five CF-100's are ferried from RCAF Station Marville to Beauvechain by 11th Night Fighter Squadron crews.
The CF-100 serial #18685 is part of that first delivery flight, and will become soon AX1.
571217-01 CF-100 18685 (AX1) 571217-01 CF-100 18685 (AX1)
571217-02 CF-100 18685 (AX1) 571217-02 CF-100 18685 (AX1)
- 20th December 1957: Official ceremony celebrating the acceptance of the CF-100 by the Belgian Air Force authorities.
The ceremony is being held on the plateform facing the heavy maintenance hangar B28 in the south of the base not far from the hangar primarily used by the 11th Night Fighter Squadron in 1951.
The landing of the CF'100s is followed by the presentation of the air crew to the American, Canadian and Belgian authorities.
The following personalities appear on the official gallery :
- James W. Kenny - Vice President & General Manager - Avro Aircraft Ltd Brussels.
- Mr. Herbert Olds - First secretary of the American embassy at Brussels.
- Brigadier General Alva R. Fitch, Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Belgium.
- Colonel Richard C. Bender, USAF Air Attache at Brussels.
- Wing Commander W.F. Cameron, RCAF Air Attache at Brussels.
- Lieutenant General Glenn O.Barcus, Chief of Staff of U.S European Command (EUCOM).
- Air Vice-Marshal H.B.Godwin, Commander of No.1 Air Division RCAF.
The Belgian Air Force is represented by the following officers :
- Lieutenant-General Burniaux, Belgian Air Force Chief of Staff.
- Général-Major Van Rolleghem, Inspector of Belgian Air Force.
- Général-Major Léon Buisseret, Commander of Belgium Air Defense.
- Colonel Donnet, Commander of the Fighter Group.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Van Eeckhoudt, Commander of the 1st Fighter Wing.
The ceremony is also marked by the graduation of the Canadian instructors from RCAF Station Zweibrücken who trained the technical specialists :
- Squadron Leader Evans
- Squadron Leader Seyers
- Flight Lieutenant Mac Namara
- Warrant Officer Moyler
and by the graduation of the two officers and fourteen NCO's who attended the technical conversion course at Zweibrücken.
571220-01 CF-100 AX1 571220-01 CF-100 AX1
571220-02 CF-100 AX1 crew 571220-02 CF-100 AX1 crew
571220-03 CF-100 AX1 crew 571220-03 CF-100 AX1 crew
571220-04 CF-100 11Sqn 571220-04 CF-100 11Sqn
571220-05 CF-100 11Sqn 571220-05 CF-100 11Sqn
571220-06 CF-100 11Sqn 571220-06 CF-100 11Sqn
571220-07 CF-100 11Sqn 571220-07 CF-100 11Sqn
571220-08 CF-100 11Sqn 571220-08 CF-100 11Sqn
- Pictures 571220-07 & 08:
The first five CF-100 crews of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron
From L to R :
Maj Henri Cabolet Nav CO 11 Sqn Maj Cyriel Delers Off OPS 1Lt Tom Bouche Nav 1Lt Jacques Rousseau Nav 1Lt Jimmy Maere SLt Marcel Degraeve Nav Adj Piet Declercq Nav Adj Jan Elen 1Sgt Jan
Govaerts 1Sgt Rik Nuyens
- 20th January 1958: The conversion of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron is initiated under the supervision of the crews recently trained in Canada.
580120-01 CF-100 AX-3 & AX-6 580120-01 CF-100 AX-3 & AX-6
580120-02 CF-100 AX-3 Demo 11 Sqn 580120-02 CF-100 AX-3 Demo 11 Sqn
580120-03 CF-100 AX-12 11 Sqn 580120-03 CF-100 AX-12 11 Sqn
580120-04 CF-100 11 Sqn 580120-04 CF-100 11 Sqn
580120-05 CF-100 AX-8 11 Sqn 580120-05 CF-100 AX-8 11 Sqn
580120-06 CF-100 AX-12 11 Sqn 580120-06 CF-100 AX-12 11 Sqn
- Picture 580120-02: 01 September 1958
Adj Nav Firmin Carpels and 1Sgt Avi Jan Govaerts facing the only CF-100 ever painted in the colors of the 11Sqn for some demonstration flights. - Picture 580120-04 : From L to R :
1SM Raymond VLAEMINCK (Eng Tech) - Adj 1st Class Fernand VAN HAUTEM (Chief of Hangar) - Adj Albert BAUWENS (Elect Tech).
- 20th February 1958: Fatal accident of 1Sgt Joseph "Jos" Menten (349Sqn) in Hunter F4 (ID35) that crashed in the Warnant-Dreye region (Huy)
Engaged in a high altitude combat he lost control of the aircraft and is forced to bail-out. The ejection is successful but the parachute fail to deploy completely and the reception with the ground is fatal for the pilot.
- 07th March 1958: Started on Wednesday March 05th the operation "Jump Moat II" ends this Friday with the landing at Beauvechain of 16 CF-100's which will enable the 349 Squadron to initiated its conversion on the new fighter aircraft.
In this case too, the Canucks are ferried by Canadian air crews from 410th and 428th AW (F) squadrons during a transatlantic flight of 3250 NM (6000 km) performed in three legs from RCAF Station Uplands (Ottawa - Ontario) to Beauvechain via CFB Goose Bay (Labrador) and the Naval Air Station of Keflavik (Iceland)
- The above picture is the original route-map from F/O WM "Turbo" Tarling from the 428th Ghost Sqn, who is one of the Canadian pilots selected in the operation Jump Moat II to deliver a Belgian aircraft.
The aircraft ferried by F/O "Turbo" Tarling is the CF-100 bearing the serial #18717 which will received later the Belgian serial AX-33. - The first check point is located at Cape Harrison. In order to assist the air crews to navigate across the ocean, five "Search and Rescue" (SAR) aircraft equipped with Radio Beacon are circling in positions AA - AB - AC - AD - AE, while two Ocean Station Vessel (OSV) are positioned in OSV "B" and OSV "A".
- Below a listing of the aircraft ferried during the operation Jump Moat II.
In brackets the future Belgian serials.
18699 > (AX15) 18700 > (AX16) 18701 > (AX17) 18704 > (AX20) 18705 > (AX21) 18706 > (AX22) 18707 > (AX23) 18708 > (AX24) 18709 > (AX25) 18710 > (AX26) 18711 > (AX27) 18712 > (AX28) 18713 > (AX29) 18714 > (AX30) 18716 > (AX32) 18717 > (AX33)
See the section "Appendices" for a detailed report of the Operation Jump Moat II, written by F/O "Turbo" Tarling.
- 13th March 1958: The end of the "Fighter-Day Squadron" is near for the 349 Sqn, the pilots fly their last hours with the Hunter.
Within a few days, the two-seater" AVRO CF-100 "Canuck" Mk.5 will be delivered to the squadron which will become "All Weather Fighter Squadron" (AWX)
- 17th March 1958: The navigators dedicated to the 349 have completed their initial training in Canada and are joining the squadron.
The CF-100 conversion course starts under the supervision of the 11th "All Weather" Squadron.
Some of the pilots are detached to the 9Wing and fly the Hunter F6 until the start of their conversion on CF-100.
5803-01 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line 5803-01 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line
5803-02 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line 5803-02 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line
5803-03 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line 5803-03 CF-100 349 Sqn Flight Line
5803-04 CF-100 AX28 349 Sqn 5803-04 CF-100 AX28 349 Sqn
5803-05 CF-100 AX20 349 Sqn 5803-05 CF-100 AX20 349 Sqn
5803-06 CF-100 AX33 349 Sqn 5803-06 CF-100 AX33 349 Sqn
5803-07 CF-100 AX30 349 Sqn 5803-07 CF-100 AX30 349 Sqn
5803-08 349Sqn hangar 1958 5803-08 349Sqn hangar 1958
- Pictures 5803-01/02/03: The 349 Squadron ramps before, during and after its expansion.
As a matter of fact, the "Canuck" beeing much larger than its predecessors, very soon, it became clear that both hangar ramps had to expanded. - Picture 5803-05: Some weapon specialists installing a "Rocket Pod" on the right wing tip.
Those pods may contain up to 29 FFAR. (Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket)
Some special Rocket Pods containing 3 or 7 FFAR are specially designed for the fire training. - Picture 5803-06: AX33 (#18717) ferried by Cpt WM "Turbo" Tarling (428th Ghost Sqn) from 5th to 7th March 1958.
- Picture 5803-07: AX30 (#18714) ferried by F/L Bob Fallis & F/O Nav Al Ferridge from 5th to 7th March 1958.
The cockpit of the "Canuck" :
5803-10 Front Cockpit Layout 5803-10 Front Cockpit Layout
5803-11 Front Cockpit Index 5803-11 Front Cockpit Index
5803-12 Front Cockpit Left - Left console 5803-12 Front Cockpit Left - Left console
5803-13 Front Cockpit - Left console 5803-13 Front Cockpit - Left console
5803-14 Front cockpit - LH side 5803-14 Front cockpit - LH side
5803-15 Rear Cockpit - General View 5803-15 Rear Cockpit - General View
5803-16 Rear Cockpit Right - Index 5803-16 Rear Cockpit Right - Index
5803-17 Rear Cockpit Right 5803-17 Rear Cockpit Right
5803-18 Rear Cockpit Right 5803-18 Rear Cockpit Right
- 29th March 1958: 1Sgt José Sépult (349 Sqn) temporarily detached (*) to the 9Wing (Bierset) crashes its Hunter F6 (IF40) during a shooting mission off the coast of the island of Sylt.
After a shooting mission off the coast of Sylt, the Hunter F6 (IF40) flown by 1Sgt José Sépult and the Hunter F6 (IF12) flown by 1Sgt Louis Van Mol (350Sqn) disappear from the radar screens Saturday the 29th around 8 o'clock in the morning.
After a three day search the rescue mission is called off, both pilots are presumed killed.
In following June, some wreckage belonging to both aircraft will be found in the nets of a fishing boat.
The Hunter IF40 had been taken on charge by the Belgian Air Force on the 11th March and had accumulated 15:25 hrs of total flying time while the IF12, taken on charge in October 1957 had accumulated 54:40 hrs of total flying time.
(*) Awaiting for the start of its conversion on CF-100.
- 2nd April 1958: The first 349Sqn's pilot is released (solo) on CF-100.
- 29th April 1958: The 350 Squadron fly its last mission with the Hunter F4.
Tony de Maere d'Aertrijcke (CO 350Sqn)and its pilots are accompanied by Lt.Col Albert Van Eeckhoudt (Base CO) and by Lt.Col Louis Lecomte (OSN).
The mission ends with a flypass consisting of twelve Hunters overflying the air base.
580430-01 350 Sqn - 30.Apr.1958 580430-01 350 Sqn - 30.Apr.1958
580430-02 Hunter F4 ID27 - 30.Apr.1958 580430-02 Hunter F4 ID27 - 30.Apr.1958
580430-03 Hunter F4 ID30 - 30.Apr.1958 580430-03 Hunter F4 ID30 - 30.Apr.1958
- Picture 580430-01 : CO Tony de Maere d'Aertrijcke with its squadron, accompanied by the Base CO (Lt Col A.Van Eeckhoudt) and the OSN (Lt Col L.Lecomte) (30 Avril 1958)
Here after the .pdf identification file :350Sqn-Crew-30-Apr-1958.pdf
- Picture 580430-02 : Hunter F4 ID27 - Personal aircraft of Lt François Jacobs - Picture taken the 30 april 1958.
- Picture 580430-03 : Hunter F4 ID30 - Picture taken on the plateform "West" of H2 hangar. (See also picture 5809-03 at the time of the CF-100)
- 10th May 1958: The first CF-100's are delivered to the 350 Squadron.
The Canucks departed from Malton (Ontario) during the month of March and have been first grouped at RCAF Station Uplands before to be ferried to Beauvechain.
This ferry flight is also performed by Canadian air crews.
580510-01 Jump Moat 350 Sqn 580510-01 Jump Moat 350 Sqn
580510-02 Jump Moat 350 sqn 580510-02 Jump Moat 350 sqn
580510-03 RCAF & 350 sqn 580510-03 RCAF & 350 sqn
580510-04 CO de Maere 350 sqn 580510-04 CO de Maere 350 sqn
- Picture 580510-01 & 580510-02 : Arrival of the first CF-100's at the 350 Sqn. (North of the air base - Hangar H2)
Picture 580510-03 : The Canadian air crews welcomed by some members of the 350 Sqn.
From L to R : F/O Palmer "Tiny" Wenaas (RCAF), Maj Tony de Maere d'Aertrijcke (CO 350 Sqn), F/O John Kuzyk (RCAF), Navigator xxx, (RCAF), Maj xxx (BAF), Navigator xxx (RCAF). -
Picture 580510-04 : The CO of 350 Sqn, Maj Tony de Maere d'Aertrijcke in conversation with S/L (Squadron Leader) Frank Greenway from RCAF 428th Squadron.
- 19th May 1958: The 350 Sqaudron starts its conversion on CF-100 with the technical course until the 10th of June.
- 27th June 1958: 1Sgt Etienne Choque (349 Sqn) temporarily detached (*) to the 9Wing (Bierset) crashes its Hunter F6 (IF82 - JE-Y) and is killed during a training mission.
Friday the 27th in the afternoon Etienne Choque is training over Beauvechain with a Hunter F6 for the airshow organized at Bierset for the Expo 58.
During a series of high-G manoeuvers performed before the landing, the pilot who didn't wear a G-suit lost consciousness and crash on a house of the village of "La Bruyère".
The two occupants of the house at the time of the crash are killed in the accident. (Mrs Eugénie Dehennin and her daughter Yvonne Dehennin)
The Hunter F6 (IF82 - JE-Y) had been taken on charge by the Belgian Air Force in March 1958 and had accumulated 61:35 hrs of total flying time.
(*) Awaiting for the start of its conversion on CF-100.
- 27th - 28th - 29th June 1958: "Meeting des Nations" at Bierset
In this year of the "Expo 58", the Belgian Air Force decides to organize an international meeting in a scale never seen before in Belgium.
Twelve N.A.T.O. countries are represented with their best air demonstration squadron.
A crowd estimated to 100,000 people fills the airfield of Bierset the Sunday 29th of June.
The airshow starts at 15 h 00 at the time HM the King Baudouin takes his seat in the official gallery by a low-pass of eight Belgian F-84F "Thundersreak", followed by three RF-84F '"Thunderflash" taking aerial pictures of the airfield.
An RCAF follows with a formation consisting of 12 fighters (CF-100 & F-86 Sabre) from the 1st Canadian Air Division followed by 12 F-84G "Thunderjet" from the Turkish Air Force.
The first aerobatic team is an Helenic display team : The "Aces Four" consists of four F-84G Thunderjet commanded by Cpn John Stilianakis.
The Danish Air Force succeeds to the Greek Air Force with the fly-pass of two formations of eight aircraft each, 8 F-84G Thunderjets then 8 F-86F Sabre.
The second aerobatic team is the famous portuguese team called the "Dragões" performing for the first time outside of Portugal.
The "Dragões" consists of 4 F-84G Thunderjets flying under the lead of Cpn Gualdino Moura Pinto.
Adj Alexandre Janssens the official display pilot from the Elementary Flying School (EPE/EVS) presents for its part an aerobatic solo display with an SV-4B.
The R.A.F. is obviously invited, and apart of the presence of the Bomber Command with a Vickers-Armstrong "Valiant" and an A.V. Roe "Vulcan", the famous "Black Arrows" from the Fighter Command present an outstanding performance.
The nine black painted Hunters Mk.6 from the No.111 Squadron RAF (Treble One) operate under the command of the Sqn Ldr Oger Topp.
The next aerobatic team is the "Diavoli Rossi" from the Italian Air Force. The "Diavoli Rossi" is commanded by Cpn Mario Squarcina and consists of five F-84F "Thunderstreak".