- Details
- Written by Administrator
- Category: History
- Hits: 9007
- Base history starting in 1940.
- Formation of 350 Squadron in 1941 within the RAF.
- Formation of 349 Squadron in 1943 within the RAF.
- Both squadrons join 135Wing in Fassberg.
- Formation of 160 (Belgian) Wing within the 135Wing.
- Return of both squadrons to Beauvechain with their Spitfire MK. XVI.
- Details
- Written by Administrator
- Category: History
- Hits: 8300
- History of the base from 1946 to 1949.
- The 160th (Belgian) Wing becomes the 160th Fighter-Day Wing.
- The 160th Fighter-Day Wing becomes the 1st Fighter-Day Wing.
- Mosquito’s NF30 acquisition.
- Formation of 10th Night Fighter Squadron. (Mosquito NF-30)
- Formation of Auxiliary Squadron.
- Formation of 4th Fighter-Day Squadron
- 349th Squadron receives its first jet, followed by 350th and 4th Squadrons.
- Details
- Written by Administrator
- Category: History
- Hits: 20071
- History of the base from 1950 to 1955
- The 350th Squadron is converted on Meteor F.8
- Establishment of the 11th Night Fighter Squadron (Meteor NF.11)
- Creation of an aerobatics display team by the Cpn Robert "Bobby" Bladt, CO of the 350th Sqn.
- The first Meteor NF.11 is taken on charge by the 10th Squadron.
- The Auxiliary Squadron is converted on Meteor F.4
- Conversion of the 349th Squadron and 4th Squadron on Meteor F.8
- The Base of Beauvechain becomes the "Base Lt Col Aviator Charles Roman"
- Details
- Written by Super Utilisateur
- Category: History
- Hits: 5615
- Base history from 1956 to 1959.
- 10th Night Fighter Squadron conversion on Meteor NF.11.
- 349 Sqn and 350 Sqn conversion on Hawker Hunter F.4.
- Break up of Auxiliary Squadron, 4th Squadron and 10th Squadron.
- 11 Sqn, 349 Sqn and 350 Sqn conversion on Avro CF-100 "Canuck".
- The 1st Fighter Wing becomes 1st All Weather Fighter Wing.